Partners' Institution:
IES Marques de Santillana
Project's period (from/to):
01 October 2020 - 31 March 2023
Activity concerned:
PM - Project Management
Objectives of activities carried out:
Coordination of activities
It includes:
· Planning of the tasks to be carried out by the Spanish team (in collaboration with IES Juan Sebastián Elcano)
· Creation of a specific BiMo Project section on our school website.
· Search of associated partners.
· Search of schools willing to participate in our research.
· Filling in and uploading all the information on the project website.
· In progress reporting activities about our progress
· Sharing of information with other project partners and associated partners as well as schools cooperating with us.
· Coordination of the Spanish translation of different documents such as brochure and questionnaires
· Online meeting with all partners.
· In-school meeting to coordinate action.
· Coordination of the Policies Book Spanish chapter.
· Coordination of the case scenarios presented.
It includes:
· Making the BiMo portal accessible to the highest possible number of head masters, teachers, students and families of our school.
· Sharing the BiMo portal and results of the BiMo Project with the highest possible number of schools in our area.
· Sharing the BiMo portal and results of the BiMo Project with the highest possible number of organizations in our area, and citizens in general.
· Spreading the BiMo activities and results on mass media (newspapers).
· Spreading the BiMo activities and results on Social Networks (Facebook).
· Spreading the BiMo activities and results on Social Networks (Instagram).
· Making contact with our associated partners to update info.
In the framework of this TA IES Marqués de Santillana has to carry out the following activities:
· Creation of the Project Section in our school website.
· Creation of “Presentation documents” to send to schools, families, organizations, mass media, and other institutions.
· Translating and sending documents to schools, families, organizations, mass media, and other institutions.
· Dissemination activities.
· IES Marqués de Santillana will be involved in everything our coordinator requires from us.
· We will also evaluate our participation in the project by the accomplishment of our required tasks.
· Meeting to evaluate the work of each school member.
- Evaluation of the different Intellectual Outputs.
It includes:
· Planning of the tasks to be carried out by the Spanish team (in collaboration with IES Juan Sebastián Elcano)
· Creation of a specific BiMo Project section on our school website.
· Search of associated partners.
· Search of schools willing to participate in our research.
· Filling in and uploading all the information on the project website.
· In progress reporting activities about our progress
· Sharing of information with other project partners and associated partners as well as schools cooperating with us.
· Coordination of the Spanish translation of different documents such as brochure and questionnaires
· Online meeting with all partners.
· In-school meeting to coordinate action.
· Coordination of the Policies Book Spanish chapter.
· Coordination of the case scenarios presented.
It includes:
· Making the BiMo portal accessible to the highest possible number of head masters, teachers, students and families of our school.
· Sharing the BiMo portal and results of the BiMo Project with the highest possible number of schools in our area.
· Sharing the BiMo portal and results of the BiMo Project with the highest possible number of organizations in our area, and citizens in general.
· Spreading the BiMo activities and results on mass media (newspapers).
· Spreading the BiMo activities and results on Social Networks (Facebook).
· Spreading the BiMo activities and results on Social Networks (Instagram).
· Making contact with our associated partners to update info.
In the framework of this TA IES Marqués de Santillana has to carry out the following activities:
· Creation of the Project Section in our school website.
· Creation of “Presentation documents” to send to schools, families, organizations, mass media, and other institutions.
· Translating and sending documents to schools, families, organizations, mass media, and other institutions.
· Dissemination activities.
· IES Marqués de Santillana will be involved in everything our coordinator requires from us.
· We will also evaluate our participation in the project by the accomplishment of our required tasks.
· Meeting to evaluate the work of each school member.
- Evaluation of the different Intellectual Outputs.
Description of activities carried out:
· Participation in a kick off transnational meeting in which we met all the partners and the guidelines of our project and future work.
· Creation of a powerpoint presentation to present our school to the other members of the project.
· IES Marqués de Santillana has been in contact with other members of the project.
· We have shared our progress with IES Juan Sebastian Elcano in those aspects related to specific Spanish tasks.
· Meetings with families and students to gather information in relation to the surveys.
· Meetings with teachers and tutors to gather information in relation to the surveys.
· Participation in the second virtual transnational meeting.
· Collection of questionnaires to be sent to UNED.
· Conducting surveys (families, teachers and school maganers).
· Participation in the first international meeting in Florence.
· Participation in a transnational online meeting to check results and schedule the future work (14th February 2022).
· Research on current situation of bilingualism in our country to prepare the IO2 production assigned to our institution.
. Participation in a transnational meeting in Madrid (Spain) in which we analysed the progress of the project, the tasks carried out by all the partners and established the guidelines of our project and future tasks.
. Development of the IO2 Spanish chapter
. Translation of the reports based on the questionnaires
. Research on different case scenarios and good practices about bilingual teaching.
. Participation in a transnational meeting in Kaunas (Lithuania) in which we analysed the progress of the project, the tasks carried out by all the partners and established the guidelines of our project and future tasks.
- Particiption in the training activity in Madrid.
- Participation in a transnational meeting in Iasi (Romania) in which we analysed the progress of the project, the tasks carried out by all the partners and established the guidelines of our project and final tasks.
· IES Marqués de Santillana has created a BiMo section in its school website.
· IES Marqués de Santillana has shared all the relevant information about BiMo with its school board and teaching staff.
· IES Marqués de Santillana has translated and made accessible the brochure to its community as well as to other nearby schools.
· IES Marqués de Santillana has created a letter template to be used by associated partners.
· We have contacted partners in our region by telephone and video calls.
· Meetings with the school community to inform about the projetc.
· IES Marqués de Santillana has featured different news in press and Internet webs. These include (among others):
08 April 2021 Article in newspaper
08 April 2021 Article in newspaper
08 April 2021 Article on website
09 April 2021 Article on website
09 April 2021 Post on social media
11 April 2021 Link in our webpage
· IES Marqués de Santillana frequently create contents about the project on its Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Exploitation Links:
· IES Marqués de Santillana has already involved 10 associated partners and collected exploitation 5 links, including our own exploitation link.
· Creation of a powerpoint presentation to present our school to the other members of the project.
· IES Marqués de Santillana has been in contact with other members of the project.
· We have shared our progress with IES Juan Sebastian Elcano in those aspects related to specific Spanish tasks.
· Meetings with families and students to gather information in relation to the surveys.
· Meetings with teachers and tutors to gather information in relation to the surveys.
· Participation in the second virtual transnational meeting.
· Collection of questionnaires to be sent to UNED.
· Conducting surveys (families, teachers and school maganers).
· Participation in the first international meeting in Florence.
· Participation in a transnational online meeting to check results and schedule the future work (14th February 2022).
· Research on current situation of bilingualism in our country to prepare the IO2 production assigned to our institution.
. Participation in a transnational meeting in Madrid (Spain) in which we analysed the progress of the project, the tasks carried out by all the partners and established the guidelines of our project and future tasks.
. Development of the IO2 Spanish chapter
. Translation of the reports based on the questionnaires
. Research on different case scenarios and good practices about bilingual teaching.
. Participation in a transnational meeting in Kaunas (Lithuania) in which we analysed the progress of the project, the tasks carried out by all the partners and established the guidelines of our project and future tasks.
- Particiption in the training activity in Madrid.
- Participation in a transnational meeting in Iasi (Romania) in which we analysed the progress of the project, the tasks carried out by all the partners and established the guidelines of our project and final tasks.
· IES Marqués de Santillana has created a BiMo section in its school website.
· IES Marqués de Santillana has shared all the relevant information about BiMo with its school board and teaching staff.
· IES Marqués de Santillana has translated and made accessible the brochure to its community as well as to other nearby schools.
· IES Marqués de Santillana has created a letter template to be used by associated partners.
· We have contacted partners in our region by telephone and video calls.
· Meetings with the school community to inform about the projetc.
· IES Marqués de Santillana has featured different news in press and Internet webs. These include (among others):
08 April 2021 Article in newspaper
08 April 2021 Article in newspaper
08 April 2021 Article on website
09 April 2021 Article on website
09 April 2021 Post on social media
11 April 2021 Link in our webpage
· IES Marqués de Santillana frequently create contents about the project on its Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Exploitation Links:
· IES Marqués de Santillana has already involved 10 associated partners and collected exploitation 5 links, including our own exploitation link.
Results Achieved:
1. Creation of a team to work on the project.
2. Translation of documents (brochure, questionnaires)
3. Creation of a BiMo section in our website
4. Creation of presentation letters
5. Coordination of the Spanish tasks together with IES Juan Sebastián Elcano.
6. Requested questionnaires filled.
7. Recording of the interviews.
8. Translation of the interviwes
9. Research about bilingualism in our community (Cantabria) and our country to write the police book chapter.
10. Development of the Case Studies database.
The required number of dissemination events have been carried out so far.
Ten associated partners have already been involved by IES Marqués de Santillana: Cooperativa de Enseñanza El Salvador (Barreda), CC Esclavas SCJ (Santander), IES Estelas de Cantabria (Los Corrales de Buelna), IES Fuente Fresnedo (Laredo), IES Leonardo Torres Quevedo (Santander), IES Marismas (Santoña), IES Muriedas (Muriedas), IES Valle del Saja (Cabezón de la Sal), IES Villajunco (Santander) y CC San Juan Bautista (Los Corrales de Buelna).
2. Translation of documents (brochure, questionnaires)
3. Creation of a BiMo section in our website
4. Creation of presentation letters
5. Coordination of the Spanish tasks together with IES Juan Sebastián Elcano.
6. Requested questionnaires filled.
7. Recording of the interviews.
8. Translation of the interviwes
9. Research about bilingualism in our community (Cantabria) and our country to write the police book chapter.
10. Development of the Case Studies database.
The required number of dissemination events have been carried out so far.
Ten associated partners have already been involved by IES Marqués de Santillana: Cooperativa de Enseñanza El Salvador (Barreda), CC Esclavas SCJ (Santander), IES Estelas de Cantabria (Los Corrales de Buelna), IES Fuente Fresnedo (Laredo), IES Leonardo Torres Quevedo (Santander), IES Marismas (Santoña), IES Muriedas (Muriedas), IES Valle del Saja (Cabezón de la Sal), IES Villajunco (Santander) y CC San Juan Bautista (Los Corrales de Buelna).