This activity was carried out by 2 classes of 18 students each (4th year of CSE - Age group: 15-16).
It was a CLIL project developed by the PE and the English teachers.
The main idea was to be able to interview some members of the ALEGA Basket Team during a visit to the local stadium, since some of its players are American (USA).
In PE class, students learnt about the basics of basketball play (training, technique...) as part of the syllabus of the subject.
Then, in English class, students had to prepare a set of questions to ask them. There were 5 main topics for the questions:
1. Background information (students decided to ask players about their background).
2. Spain / The US (similarities and differences, cultural shocks...)
3. Values / Inspiration in basket.
4. Health (diet, injuries...).
5. Technique.
Students were very interested and they engaged fully in the activity for its creativity (thinking of possible questions) and the possibility to turn the project into a real, out-of-school experience.
The team coach, representatives and players were also thrilled to be answering our questions as a way to attract the younger audiences to their sport.
The idea is to carry on with real interviews in the future as it is not very difficult to find English-speaking personalities that we can work with (face-to-face or online encounters).
It was a CLIL project developed by the PE and the English teachers.
The main idea was to be able to interview some members of the ALEGA Basket Team during a visit to the local stadium, since some of its players are American (USA).
In PE class, students learnt about the basics of basketball play (training, technique...) as part of the syllabus of the subject.
Then, in English class, students had to prepare a set of questions to ask them. There were 5 main topics for the questions:
1. Background information (students decided to ask players about their background).
2. Spain / The US (similarities and differences, cultural shocks...)
3. Values / Inspiration in basket.
4. Health (diet, injuries...).
5. Technique.
Students were very interested and they engaged fully in the activity for its creativity (thinking of possible questions) and the possibility to turn the project into a real, out-of-school experience.
The team coach, representatives and players were also thrilled to be answering our questions as a way to attract the younger audiences to their sport.
The idea is to carry on with real interviews in the future as it is not very difficult to find English-speaking personalities that we can work with (face-to-face or online encounters).