This project (2020-1-ES01-KA201-081917) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Case studies

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Getting to know our city


Duration and participants: 8 sessions, 28 students


- Brainstorming about information students really have about their city’s history, patrimony, main economic activities, etc.

- Research about different aspects of our cities, including history, monuments, factories, city hall, touristic landmarks, gastronomy, etc

- Visits to different areas and organizations

- Working in groups to reach a final product that they will present to the rest of the class

- Presentation of their final products (posters, power points, videos, tour around the city explained by students themselves wearing costumes, oral expositions)

Results achieved:

Students became aware of really important data related to their own city through the use of the foreign language. They improved their language skills, at the same time that they worked autonomously (sometimes guided by the teacher) but in cooperation with their team mates. They also gained confidence while presenting their final products.

Other aspects to consider:

They sometimes found difficult to express what they wanted to say, but thanks to having included students with different levels of the content and the language level, they could help each other throughout the whole process.