This project (2020-1-ES01-KA201-081917) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Learn and teach about the city you live in



During the Global Education Year 7 pupils are given the task of preparing a report on cultural sites in Kaunas city centre. Working in pairs, pupils gather information about a selected or drawn object and make a short 3-5 minute story/presentation in English. The cultural sites are visited together with the Year 6 pupils who are the focus of the presentation, so that the pupils become not only learners but also teachers. Next year, the baton is passed on to the former Year 6 pupils, who become Year 7.

Geography, history and English for middle school students

Maximum number of students: 30 up to 60 students (two classes)

Equipment needed: Internet or any other information source for preparing presentation.


• In our lessons, we talk about the importance of understanding and remembering our heritage and the influence of our surroundings on the formation of our personality.

• Students are divided into groups and given a task to complete in two weeks. During this time, students can consult their history and geography teachers. The form of the presentation is left to the pupils' discretion, with only a time limit, but this can be adjusted if the pupils decide to make the presentation something special

• Teachers, accompanists and pupils head out into the city center for a day trip, which can include time for fun activities or museum visits

• There is a tour of the cultural sites, during which presentations are made and a short summaries are made by the Year 6 pupils, as the Year 7 pupils create a collaborative test, which the Year 6 pupils will have to do as homework and which can be evaluated by the teacher for a grade.

Results achieved:

• Developing information search and selection skills;

• Increase vocabulary;

• Developing public speaking skills;

• Sense of patriotism - knowledge of one's own culture;


• There are no major challenges, just the timing of the trip, i.e. the right weather conditions and the timetable, as the trip will take place during school hours;

• The ability to manage a large group of students, but this is something we often have to deal with, so we would not consider it a challenge;

Areas of improvement:

• We can turn a presentation field trip into an orienteering competition, where the cultural objects become the checkpoints where the information you learn is necessary to win;

• We can adjust the tasks to include different teachers e.g.:

With the help of theatre teachers, we can prepare a short play;

A history teacher could be used to highlight a historical period or the importance of a cultural object in the history of a city/country;

A Geography teacher could target presentations to emphasize the location, building materials, purpose of the object, etc.