This project (2020-1-ES01-KA201-081917) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Policy Recommendation

A Policy Recommendation book with guidelines that can be freely available to anyone interested in the complex issue of bilingualism and bilingual education.

The Policy Recommendation book is directed to anyone interested in the complex issue of bilingualism and bilingual education. This book containing guidelines is available to any stakeholder in Europe interested in implementing bilingual programs. The book has been produced, not only taking into consideration testimonies and reflections from parents, teachers and school boards, but also including the results of interviews with international experts in these areas of research. This way the BiMo consortium intends to break the common situation in which authorities and policymakers often make decisions without taking into consideration both academic experts and real beneficiaries of their political actions.

Available in:
English Spanish Italian Lithuanian Romanian

The English and Spanish versions are also available in the UNED e-spacio.