Partners' Institution:
ISIS Leonardo Da Vinci
Name of the person involved in the event:
Renato Gatti
Date of the event:
05 October 2021 - 05 October 2021
Type of Dissemination event:
Informative Mailing
Target group:
Number of people reached by event:
Held in:
All Tuscany (Italy)
Description of Dissemination Event:
An informative email is sent via the collaboration of the Regional School Office, a branch of the Italian Ministry of Education. 114 institutes are reached and informed about the project including the project leaflet, description of the project, inviting them to join the project as associate partners and communication with the school in order to offer potential collaboration in the development of the project. Each school has an average of 600 students and 100 teachers so we have reached around 70,000 people.
Outcomes and Results:
The schools, headmasters and teachers, are informed and they all cuold potentially inform their close education communities. They are invited to participate to the develop of the project and several teachers had filled-in the questionnaire and potentially can give their availability to accept the interview.