Based both in Campobasso (Molise Region) and Florence (Tuscany Region), Reattiva is a VET service provider working in cooperation with a network of public and private bodies, companies, universities and schools, the active subjects of social life, with the main purpose of providing vocational, education and training services and job opportunities to young people and adult individuals.
The organisation has been Quality Certified ISO 9001:2015 and accredited by Molise Regional Authority to develop training both funded or on demand. Reattiva promotes and manages, in particular, training activities for teachers, trainers, educators and for young people, disadvantaged groups and NEETs and manages employment services in the field of disability and special needs on behalf of Molise Regional Authority. The personnel of Reattiva consists of 16 employees and it counts about 20 external collaborating staff.
Reattiva is also in charge for the tutoring of learners during their job insertion pathway, who are regularly supported during work based learning activities in agreement with Molise Regional Authority, which is responsible, according to the Italian Regulations, to promote the Training and Employment Services.
Furthermore, Reattiva has developed in the last 10 years a strong partnership with the regional public vocational schools, both in Molise and Tuscany regions, and it provides two-year courses of Vocational Training in the field of Green Economy and Environment Protection, Renowable Energies, ICT and Digital, Tourism and Catering, Social and Health care, involving, in average, 250 learners per year. Further, Reattiva's tutors provide support to apprentices during their internship/work-based learning activities in local/regional companies.
Reattiva has also a longstanding experience in EU projects and relevant competences in managing EU projects in the frame of ERASMUS+, LLP, ESF, EaSI, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs and INTERREG, both as a promoter and partner, always connected to the social and educational/training fields. Within the framework of the learning mobility for learners and staff, Reattiva acts as sending and hosting organisation, assisting learners and Staff in finding and accomplishing a successful work experience, job shadowing or training activities in another EU Country or in Italy when receiving foreign participants to mobility.