This project (2020-1-ES01-KA201-081917) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Work in progress

This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned. Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.

Partners' Institution:


Project's period (from/to):

01 October 2020 - 31 March 2023

Activity concerned:

PM - Project Management

Objectives of activities carried out:

Coordination of the activities
It includes:
• Planning of all the activities of the project for the 2 years project life.
• Participation in and organisation of 4 transnational meetings of the steering committee.
• Creation and update of the project website.
• In progress reporting activities and delivery of yearly reports at progress and final stage.
• Constant sharing of solutions and circulation of information through e-mails and skype/zoom/Teams meetings.
• Check of the project state of art and of the respecting of the deadlines.
. Coordinating the data collection (interviews and questionnaires).
- Coordinating the analysis of the data (interviews and questionnaires).
- Coordination of the MOOCs design.
- Coordination of template for the contents of IO2.
- Filling in and uploading all the information on the project website
. In progress reporting activities about our progress.
. Sharing of information with other project partners and associated partners as well as institutions cooperating with us.

It includes:
- Making the BiMo Portal accessible to the largest possible number of head masters, teachers and students in secondary education.
- Sharing the BiMo Portal and the results of the BiMo project with the highest number of operators in the field of education
- Sharing the BiMo Portal and the results of the BiMo project with the highest number of citizens
- Spreading the BiMo activities and results on the most popular Social Network (Facebook and Twitter)

In the framework of this TA UNED has carried out the following activities:
- Creation of project logo.
- Creation of the Project brochure in English, and once translated by the partners in the various national languages, producing the different versions.
- Dissemination of activities.
- Creation of the project roll-up.

It aims to promote the project sustainability. UNED has
• Promoted the Portal through the exchange links with Portals addressing similar issues (e.g. Portals providing educational materials for lecturers; portals on education etc.)
• Promoted the project among public authorities and key policy makers in order to gain institutional consensus and promoting the insertion of project results in policies for Education.
• Involved new members as associated partners.

UNED will be involved and will have to fill in ad hoc questionnaires.

Description of activities carried out:

UNED, in cooperation with PIXEL, managed the kick off meeting together with PIXEL. UNED produced some materials for the kick off meeting. In particular:
1 The project presentation was created using PowerPoint and was introduced during the meeting.
2. The members of the UNED working team were presented using Power Point.

UNED supervised the activities to be carried out by the partners, supervised a calendar created by PIXEL and agreed on the deadlines.
UNED has answered any questions related to the scientific contents of the project.
UNED has been in contact with the national agency to discuss issues related to the project and help clear doubts the partner schools came up with.
UNED has presented a poster presentation at the international conference COM2021 Conference on Multilingualism held online by the University of Konstanz (Germay) 23-25 June 2021.
UNED has presented a paper at the international conference AESLA 2022 held onsite at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
UNED presented a paper at the international conference WORLDCLIL that was held in The Hague in July 2022.
UNED is preparing a book chapter with some of the results of the interviews and questionnaires designed and handed in in the four partner countries.
UNED presented a paper at the MAMM Conference organised by the University of Cyprus, on 23rd October 2022.
UNED cooperated in the onsite meeting in Florence in November 2021. UNED produced some materials for the meeting, such as the data analysis and the creation of the MOOCs using power point presentations.
UNED has presented an article to be published in a high-quality academic journal.
UNED has presented a book chapter to be published in a high-quality academic volume on bilingualism and bilingual education.
UNED cooperated in the online meeting held online on February 14th. UNED produced some materials for the meeting using power point.
UNED organised the onsite transnational meeting in Madrid in May 2022 and took care of the transnational coordination. In particular:
1. The venue of the meeting.
2. Information was given about the meeting practicalities and the city by preparing documentation.
3. The meeting folder was developed and the folder was then printed and distributed to the partners.
4. The project presentation was created using Genially t and was introduced during the meeting.
5. UNED supervised the Calendar of Activities, an instrument for all partners to have a complete and resumed view over the activities of the project in all its length.
UNED has participated in the multiplier event organised in Florence by ISI Leonardo Da Vinci.
UNED produced some materials for the meeting, such as the data analysis of the interviews and the materials to be included in the MOOCs using presentations with Genially.
Attendance to the meeting in Kaunas. Some presentations were prepared.
Attendance to the meeting in Iasi. Some presentations were prepared.
UNED organised the Multiplier Event embedded in the BiUNED Conference, on November 10th 2022. Particularly:
1.The venue.
2. Information uploaded on the conference website.
3. Roll-up design.
4. Presentation by the three members of the Team were prepared.
5. Some experts were contacted to talk in the ME.
6. Attendance ertificates were issue.

UNED organised the onsite training activity in Madrid from 30th January to 3rd February 2023. In particular:
1. The venue.
2. Information has been prepared about the meeting practicalities and the city by preparing documentation.
3. The training activity programme has been developed, presentations prepared and some speakers contacted.
4. The presentations by the three members of the Team have been prepared.
5. Experts on bilingual education and CLIL were contacted.
6. Attendance certificates were issued.
UNED created the BiMo logo.
UNED designed and created the project brochure in English, and supervised the versions in Italian, Spanish, Romanian and Lithuanian.
UNED has created different pieces of news in the Spanish national TV, radio and some social media in order to make the BiMo project known to as many people as possible.
UNED, together with PIXEL, created and supervises the BiMo facebook account.

UNED is currently involving the associated partners and collecting exploitation links.
UNED team is involved in the publication of a book chapter and two articles in high impact journals.

Results Achieved:

Results Achieved:

1. Coordination of partners' meeting together with Pixel.
2. Organisation of onsite meeting in Madrid.
3. Scientific contents presentation.
4. Calendar of Activities and deadlines.
5. Partners’ roles.
6. Coordination of the work of all partners.
7. Document for informed consents for interviews.
8. Document for informed consents for recordings of IO3.
9. Document of interviews.
10. Document of questionnaires.
11. 3 MOOCs in 5 different languages, which makes a total of 15 MOOCs.
12. Edition the Italian, Romanian and Lithuanian versions of the Policy Recommendation Book in a PDF format.
13. Edition of the Policy Recommendation Book in English and Spanish. Set up of the DOI.

A total number of 54 dissemination events have been carried out so far.

Six associated partners have already been involved by UNED.