Partners' Institution:
Kauno Jono ir Petro Vileisiu
Project's period (from/to):
01 October 2020 - 31 March 2023
Activity concerned:
PM - Project Management
Objectives of activities carried out:
The project management is carried out throughout the project period and ensures the correct development of the project activities and the achievements of the expected results.
It is divided into 4 main activities:
- Coordination of the activities
- Dissemination
- Exploitation
- Evaluation
Coordination of the activities
It includes:
• Participating in all the activities of the project for the 2 years project life
• Participation in 4 transnational meetings of the steering committee
• Organisation of 1 transnational meeting in Kaunas (LT) in July 2022
• Organisation of 1 multiplier event event involving at least 40 participants.
• Upload information on the project website
• In progress reporting activities and delivery of yearly reports and final reports
• Constant sharing of solutions and circulation of information through e-mails and online meetings
• Monitoring of the project state of art and of the respecting of the deadlines
It includes:
- Sharing the Bi.Mo Portal and the results of the Bi.Mo project with the highest number of people, in particular with operators in the field of education
- Spreading the Bi.Mo activities and results on the most popular Social Network (Facebook and Twitter)
In the framework of this TA Kauno Jono ir Petro Vileisiu school has to carry out the following activities:
- Uploading information on project’s Facebook page
- Translation of the project brochure in Lithuanian
- Dissemination activities
- Participation in creating final best practice dissemination report
- Creation of the dissemination reports
It aims to promote the project sustainability. The actions to be carried out are:
• Promote the Portal through the exchange links with Portals addressing similar issues (e.g. Portals providing educational materials for lecturers; portals on education etc.)
• Promote the among public authorities and key policy makers in order to gain institutional consensus and promoting the insertion of project results in policies for Education.
• Involve new members as associated partners
The aim of evaluation is to measure and ensure the quality of all the activities and of the project intellectual output. Both project partners and end users are involved and will have to fill in ad hoc questionnaires.
It is divided into 4 main activities:
- Coordination of the activities
- Dissemination
- Exploitation
- Evaluation
Coordination of the activities
It includes:
• Participating in all the activities of the project for the 2 years project life
• Participation in 4 transnational meetings of the steering committee
• Organisation of 1 transnational meeting in Kaunas (LT) in July 2022
• Organisation of 1 multiplier event event involving at least 40 participants.
• Upload information on the project website
• In progress reporting activities and delivery of yearly reports and final reports
• Constant sharing of solutions and circulation of information through e-mails and online meetings
• Monitoring of the project state of art and of the respecting of the deadlines
It includes:
- Sharing the Bi.Mo Portal and the results of the Bi.Mo project with the highest number of people, in particular with operators in the field of education
- Spreading the Bi.Mo activities and results on the most popular Social Network (Facebook and Twitter)
In the framework of this TA Kauno Jono ir Petro Vileisiu school has to carry out the following activities:
- Uploading information on project’s Facebook page
- Translation of the project brochure in Lithuanian
- Dissemination activities
- Participation in creating final best practice dissemination report
- Creation of the dissemination reports
It aims to promote the project sustainability. The actions to be carried out are:
• Promote the Portal through the exchange links with Portals addressing similar issues (e.g. Portals providing educational materials for lecturers; portals on education etc.)
• Promote the among public authorities and key policy makers in order to gain institutional consensus and promoting the insertion of project results in policies for Education.
• Involve new members as associated partners
The aim of evaluation is to measure and ensure the quality of all the activities and of the project intellectual output. Both project partners and end users are involved and will have to fill in ad hoc questionnaires.
Description of activities carried out:
Kauno Jono ir Petro Vileisiu school (KJPVM ) participated in the kick-off meeting organized online by Pixel from the 4th to 5th March 2021.
Organized local meeting with the team
KJPVM organzied TPM in Kaunas
KJPVM 2 staff participated in LTTA in Madrid
KJPVM 2 staff participated in TPM in Madrid
KJPVM 2 staff attended final TPM online (event was organized in Iasi, Romania).
From 03/2021 to 10/2021 the following activities were undertaken by eMundus as part of “IO1 – 3 MOOCs” related activities:
1. Started the questionnaire collection process for teachers
2. Contacted different schools to present the project and ask them to participate in the questionnaire process and join as associate partners.
3. Started the questionnaire collection process for families
4. Questionnaires for school’s managers and families were reviewed, feedback was given to coordinator, translations were made.
5. Information about associate partners was updated in project’s portal
6. Dissemination events were registered in project’s portal
7. Questionnaires distributed for managers, teachers, parents, pupils.
8. Collected answers (from teachers 82) (from families 112) from managers (50) from pupils (182)
9. Review and feedback in relation to:
- IO1.B1 – Interview for Head teachers
- IO1.B2 – Interview for Teachers
- IO1.B3 – Interview for Parents
10. Translation of scripts for the interviews (technical guide, interviews, etc.)
11. Organizing interviews: 3 interviews with teachers, 2 interviews with parents, 2 with directors (1 director + 1 vice-director) in LT.
Kauno Jono ir Petro Vileisiu school has included an article on its website, describing the project, its target groups, planned results, impact and partners.
Moreover, a detailed project description has been included in the eMundus website (through a box in the homepage + an entire page dedicated to the project).
Kauno Jono ir Petro Vileisiu school is currently involving the associated partners and collecting exploitation links. The following schools have been contacted so far, of which 6 have already signed the corresponding documents to become associate partners:
-Amerikos tarptautinė mokykla Vilniuje
-Jono Jablonskio gimnazija Kaune (signed documents and filled questionnaires for teachers)
-Guliverio akademija Vilniuje
-Kauno Jurgio Dobkevičiaus progimnazija (signed documents and filled questionnaires for teachers)
-Jauno Juozo Grušo gimnazija
-Kauno Milikonių mokykla (signed documents and filled questionnaires for teachers)
-Erudito licėjus Kaune
-VšĮ Klaipėdos “Universa Via” tarptautinė mokykla
-Šiaulių Didždvario gimnazija (signed the documents (10/05) and filled questionnaires for teachers)
-Tauragės “Versmės” gimnazija
- Kauno Aleksandro Puškino gimnazija (signed documents) (was contacted via phone and online 30/04, (07/05) they have signed the documents and filled questionnaires for teachers)
- Trakų Vytautas Magnus Progymnasium (signed the documents (13/05) and filled questionnaires for teachers)
Associate partners non-schools:
VšĮ “eMundus”
Lithuanian distance and e.learning association
All associate partners who joined the project shared information about project in their websites or/and social networks (facebook)
Exploitation table with detailed information was filled.
Kauno Jono ir Petro Vileisiu school is participating in the internal evaluation of the project's activities according to the evaluation model developed by Pixel.
Kauno Jono ir Petro Vileisiu school (KJPVM ) participated in the kick-off meeting organized online by Pixel from the 4th to 5th March 2021.
Organized local meeting with the team
KJPVM organzied TPM in Kaunas
KJPVM 2 staff participated in LTTA in Madrid
KJPVM 2 staff participated in TPM in Madrid
KJPVM 2 staff attended final TPM online (event was organized in Iasi, Romania).
From 03/2021 to 10/2021 the following activities were undertaken by eMundus as part of “IO1 – 3 MOOCs” related activities:
1. Started the questionnaire collection process for teachers
2. Contacted different schools to present the project and ask them to participate in the questionnaire process and join as associate partners.
3. Started the questionnaire collection process for families
4. Questionnaires for school’s managers and families were reviewed, feedback was given to coordinator, translations were made.
5. Information about associate partners was updated in project’s portal
6. Dissemination events were registered in project’s portal
7. Questionnaires distributed for managers, teachers, parents, pupils.
8. Collected answers (from teachers 82) (from families 112) from managers (50) from pupils (182)
9. Review and feedback in relation to:
- IO1.B1 – Interview for Head teachers
- IO1.B2 – Interview for Teachers
- IO1.B3 – Interview for Parents
10. Translation of scripts for the interviews (technical guide, interviews, etc.)
11. Organizing interviews: 3 interviews with teachers, 2 interviews with parents, 2 with directors (1 director + 1 vice-director) in LT.
Kauno Jono ir Petro Vileisiu school has included an article on its website, describing the project, its target groups, planned results, impact and partners.
Moreover, a detailed project description has been included in the eMundus website (through a box in the homepage + an entire page dedicated to the project).
Kauno Jono ir Petro Vileisiu school is currently involving the associated partners and collecting exploitation links. The following schools have been contacted so far, of which 6 have already signed the corresponding documents to become associate partners:
-Amerikos tarptautinė mokykla Vilniuje
-Jono Jablonskio gimnazija Kaune (signed documents and filled questionnaires for teachers)
-Guliverio akademija Vilniuje
-Kauno Jurgio Dobkevičiaus progimnazija (signed documents and filled questionnaires for teachers)
-Jauno Juozo Grušo gimnazija
-Kauno Milikonių mokykla (signed documents and filled questionnaires for teachers)
-Erudito licėjus Kaune
-VšĮ Klaipėdos “Universa Via” tarptautinė mokykla
-Šiaulių Didždvario gimnazija (signed the documents (10/05) and filled questionnaires for teachers)
-Tauragės “Versmės” gimnazija
- Kauno Aleksandro Puškino gimnazija (signed documents) (was contacted via phone and online 30/04, (07/05) they have signed the documents and filled questionnaires for teachers)
- Trakų Vytautas Magnus Progymnasium (signed the documents (13/05) and filled questionnaires for teachers)
Associate partners non-schools:
VšĮ “eMundus”
Lithuanian distance and e.learning association
All associate partners who joined the project shared information about project in their websites or/and social networks (facebook)
Exploitation table with detailed information was filled.
Kauno Jono ir Petro Vileisiu school is participating in the internal evaluation of the project's activities according to the evaluation model developed by Pixel.
Results Achieved:
Till 15/05/2021
-9 Associated partners joined the project: 7 Associated partner schools and 2 associate partners non-schools
- Collected answers of teh questionnaires (from teachers 82) (from families 112) from managers (50) from pupils (182)
-10 Exploitation links collected
- >50 dissemination events registered
-9 Associated partners joined the project: 7 Associated partner schools and 2 associate partners non-schools
- Collected answers of teh questionnaires (from teachers 82) (from families 112) from managers (50) from pupils (182)
-10 Exploitation links collected
- >50 dissemination events registered