Partners' Institution:
Fundatia EuroEd
Project's period (from/to):
01 October 2020 - 31 March 2023
Activity concerned:
PM - Project Management
Objectives of activities carried out:
The project management is carried out throughout the project period and ensures the correct development of the project activities and the achievements of the expected results.
It is divided into 4 main activities:
- Coordination of the activities
- Dissemination
- Exploitation
- Evaluation
Coordination of the activities
It includes:
• Support and agreement of all the activities of the project for the 2 years project life
• Participation in the 4 transnational meetings and organisation of 1 of the meetings
• Updates of the project website
• In progress reporting activities and delivery of yearly reports at progress and final stage
• Constant sharing of solutions and circulation of information through e-mails and online meetings
• Check of the project state of art and of the respecting of the deadlines
In includes:
- Making the BiMo Portal accessible to the largest possible number of head masters, teachers and students in secondary education.
- Sharing the BiMo Portal and the results of the BiMo project with the highest number of operators in the field of education
- Sharing the BiMo Portal and the results of the BiMo project with the highest number of citizens
- Spreading the BiMo activities and results on the most popular Social Network (Facebook and Twitter)
It aims to promote the project sustainability. The actions to be carried out are:
• Promote the Portal through the exchange links with Portals addressing similar issues (e.g. Portals providing educational materials for lecturers; portals on education etc.)
• Promote the among public authorities and key policy makers in order to gain institutional consensus and promoting the insertion of project results in policies for Education.
• Involve new members as associated partners
The aim of evaluation is to measure and ensure the quality of all the activities and of the project intellectual output. Both project partners and end users are involved and will have to fill in ad hoc questionnaires.
It is divided into 4 main activities:
- Coordination of the activities
- Dissemination
- Exploitation
- Evaluation
Coordination of the activities
It includes:
• Support and agreement of all the activities of the project for the 2 years project life
• Participation in the 4 transnational meetings and organisation of 1 of the meetings
• Updates of the project website
• In progress reporting activities and delivery of yearly reports at progress and final stage
• Constant sharing of solutions and circulation of information through e-mails and online meetings
• Check of the project state of art and of the respecting of the deadlines
In includes:
- Making the BiMo Portal accessible to the largest possible number of head masters, teachers and students in secondary education.
- Sharing the BiMo Portal and the results of the BiMo project with the highest number of operators in the field of education
- Sharing the BiMo Portal and the results of the BiMo project with the highest number of citizens
- Spreading the BiMo activities and results on the most popular Social Network (Facebook and Twitter)
It aims to promote the project sustainability. The actions to be carried out are:
• Promote the Portal through the exchange links with Portals addressing similar issues (e.g. Portals providing educational materials for lecturers; portals on education etc.)
• Promote the among public authorities and key policy makers in order to gain institutional consensus and promoting the insertion of project results in policies for Education.
• Involve new members as associated partners
The aim of evaluation is to measure and ensure the quality of all the activities and of the project intellectual output. Both project partners and end users are involved and will have to fill in ad hoc questionnaires.
Description of activities carried out:
The following activities have been carried so far:
Coordination of the activities:
The first step on the project implementation was to have a review on the project application for understanding the content, for checking the objectives and roles of the EuroEd team within each intellectual output, creating the project Grant chart according to the calendar of activities, understanding the workflow and the implementation steps.
Participation in periodic internal meetings, presenting to the team members the project, objectives, activities, results, establishing task, discussing the activities and ways to implement the project, previous experiences on the project-related activities, and on approaches for the target group, discussions on the project budget.
Also under PMI work, can be mentioned the organisation and participation in the transnational online meetings on the 4-5.03.2021 and on the 09.06.2021. EuroEd, also involved work for preparation and participation in the face to face transnational meetings in Florence 22-23.11.2021, in Spain 12-13.05.2022, in Lithuania 12-13.09.2022, and organisation and host of the meeting in Iasi, Romania 15-16.02.2023. Filled in the assessment forms after the meetings.
Work on financial aspects. Consultation of the financial management folder, reviewing all the templates and all the guidelines related to the reporting system. Performing financial-accountancy tasks. Permanent monitoring of the project implementation in terms of allocation of resources and budget, supporting the production of the intellectual outputs.
Under PMI, has been included the work for establishing the team members-staff members from EuroEd to work on the implementation of the project activities. The selection of the team members was based on the expertise needed. Work related to contracting, allocation of tasks and permanent monitoring related to timesheets production.
Work done for the PMI task for involvement of schools, as beneficiaries within the project. Discussion with the team members about the possible partner schools to be involved in the project and preparing the documents to be signed. Communication and meetings with teachers for presenting the project and invitation to join the partnership. Support in filling in the project documents about the schools data. Work in uploading the schools data on the project portal.
PMI involved permanent support for the implementation of the IOs; by contacting schools directors and teachers, along with school inspectorate to support the distribution and filling in of the questionnaires. Also PMI supported EuroEd in organizing all the interviews with school managers, teachers and parents, done under IOs.
Dissemination activities:
Involvement in dissemination activities with the aims to raise the awareness to project target group on the aims of the project.
- Participation in dissemination activities, formal or informal, national and international
- Involvement in the project portal
- Participation in transnational meetings where the project has been promoted, distribution of information and brochures
- Participation in direct meetings with teachers and school principals with the view to disseminate and promote the project and invite them to join the project network of schools
- Dissemination of the project on the institutional website and Facebook page.
- Project promotion between local and national schools
- Translation of the brochure into Romanian
- Desk research on the schools which can act as potential participants in the project.
- carried out over 40 dissemination activities up to date
- EuroEd participated in meetings for promoting the project and inviting potential interested associated partners to join the project and support its activities.
- EuroEd was involved in sending invitations for various potential associated partners to join the project
- the link and logo of the project were uploaded on the EuroEd website
- Filled in the exploitation links and sent them to Pixel via email
Coordination of the activities:
The first step on the project implementation was to have a review on the project application for understanding the content, for checking the objectives and roles of the EuroEd team within each intellectual output, creating the project Grant chart according to the calendar of activities, understanding the workflow and the implementation steps.
Participation in periodic internal meetings, presenting to the team members the project, objectives, activities, results, establishing task, discussing the activities and ways to implement the project, previous experiences on the project-related activities, and on approaches for the target group, discussions on the project budget.
Also under PMI work, can be mentioned the organisation and participation in the transnational online meetings on the 4-5.03.2021 and on the 09.06.2021. EuroEd, also involved work for preparation and participation in the face to face transnational meetings in Florence 22-23.11.2021, in Spain 12-13.05.2022, in Lithuania 12-13.09.2022, and organisation and host of the meeting in Iasi, Romania 15-16.02.2023. Filled in the assessment forms after the meetings.
Work on financial aspects. Consultation of the financial management folder, reviewing all the templates and all the guidelines related to the reporting system. Performing financial-accountancy tasks. Permanent monitoring of the project implementation in terms of allocation of resources and budget, supporting the production of the intellectual outputs.
Under PMI, has been included the work for establishing the team members-staff members from EuroEd to work on the implementation of the project activities. The selection of the team members was based on the expertise needed. Work related to contracting, allocation of tasks and permanent monitoring related to timesheets production.
Work done for the PMI task for involvement of schools, as beneficiaries within the project. Discussion with the team members about the possible partner schools to be involved in the project and preparing the documents to be signed. Communication and meetings with teachers for presenting the project and invitation to join the partnership. Support in filling in the project documents about the schools data. Work in uploading the schools data on the project portal.
PMI involved permanent support for the implementation of the IOs; by contacting schools directors and teachers, along with school inspectorate to support the distribution and filling in of the questionnaires. Also PMI supported EuroEd in organizing all the interviews with school managers, teachers and parents, done under IOs.
Dissemination activities:
Involvement in dissemination activities with the aims to raise the awareness to project target group on the aims of the project.
- Participation in dissemination activities, formal or informal, national and international
- Involvement in the project portal
- Participation in transnational meetings where the project has been promoted, distribution of information and brochures
- Participation in direct meetings with teachers and school principals with the view to disseminate and promote the project and invite them to join the project network of schools
- Dissemination of the project on the institutional website and Facebook page.
- Project promotion between local and national schools
- Translation of the brochure into Romanian
- Desk research on the schools which can act as potential participants in the project.
- carried out over 40 dissemination activities up to date
- EuroEd participated in meetings for promoting the project and inviting potential interested associated partners to join the project and support its activities.
- EuroEd was involved in sending invitations for various potential associated partners to join the project
- the link and logo of the project were uploaded on the EuroEd website
- Filled in the exploitation links and sent them to Pixel via email
Results Achieved:
- participation in 2 online meetings and 4 face to face meeting with partners
- over 30 Schools and more than 130 teachers, 150 parents, 100 school managers and 317 students have been reached and invited to fill in the questionnaires
- set up contacts with 4 school managers (from 4 schools), 4 teachers (from 3 schools), and 4 parents (from 4 schools), for production of the interviews
- 40 dissemination events so far
- translation of the brochure in the national language
- exploitation link of the project on EuroEd website + other 5 external links
- 6 associated partners involved
- over 30 Schools and more than 130 teachers, 150 parents, 100 school managers and 317 students have been reached and invited to fill in the questionnaires
- set up contacts with 4 school managers (from 4 schools), 4 teachers (from 3 schools), and 4 parents (from 4 schools), for production of the interviews
- 40 dissemination events so far
- translation of the brochure in the national language
- exploitation link of the project on EuroEd website + other 5 external links
- 6 associated partners involved