Co&So is a consortium located in Florence which includes 40 cooperatives working in the social, educational and cultural field. Co&So has 29 employees who provide services to the associated, the main services are: administration, monitoring the calls and as a consequence to submit calls most on public procurement, offering European opportunities in order to promote innovation in the cooperatives in terms of improving employees’ competences and services, quality certification, communication. All together the staff working in the associated cooperatives is 3000 professionals. In Co&so there is a special office just working on European funding with very skilled staff who has more than 10 years of experience. The annual income of Co&So is about €
90.000.000 which is composed by the services provided by the cooperatives. Co&So is also a training Agency to provide training (both face-to-face, online and blended) to disadvantaged categories and updating training for the staff of its cooperatives. Co&so is a key player in the field of Inclusion and one of the aim is to overcome all the prejudices connected to people coming from different culture and promoting a gender policy. Co&so has the following certification: ISO9001:2015;ISO14001:2015:BS18001:2007