The World CLIL 2022 conference aimed to bring together teachers, policy-makers and researchers from diverse cultural, linguistic and professional backgrounds working on CLIL and bilingual education.
This paper introduced some results coming from BiMo research and innovation EU funded project (2020-1-ES01-KA201-081917), which conducted research on bilingual education practices in Spain, Italy, Romania and Lithuania.
An online questionnaire was designed, translated to local languages and distributed to 489 families in order to analyze: (a) Parents’ satisfaction and expected effects of bilingualism on their child; (b) Families’ insights on bilingualism, bilingual education, the impact of bilingual education on content learning and foreign language learning; (c) Parents’ perceptions on teachers’ expertise and classroom methodology, and; (d) Families’ decision making as whether to enroll their child in bilingual education.
A thorough statistical analysis of the information gathered was carried out with SPSS. The results of this study should help families in the edge of decision making as whether to take their child to a bilingual program when the second language is not part of their immediate context.
More information here.