In 2023 March 31 about half a dozen pedagogues and administration of Lithuanian educational institutions gathered at the final conference (Multiplier event) related to dissemination of results of the "Erasmus+" program project "BIMO: BILINGUAL IN A MONOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT", which was organized by Kaunas Jonas and Petras Vileišiai School during the implementation of this project and VšĮ "eMundus", which participated in the project as an associate partner, responsible for project dissemination and organizational processes. 41 out of 49 participants were from various Lithuanian educational institutions and the rest of teachers were from Kaunas Jonas and Petras Vileišiai School, including organizers.
The conference was opened by the musical language of the student Andrius and the English song of the student Brigita playing the guitar. During the event, participants got acquainted with the presentation and results of the "BiMo" (orig. Bilingualism in Monolingual Contexts) project: the value and promotion of bilingualism in education, the need and influences on education specialists, educators and their families. The methods and good experiences of Lithuanian, Romanian, Italian and Spanish partners were also presented, which will help to integrate bilingualism more easily into the educational process.
One of the speakers at the conference was an Italian woman whose presentation was in Lithuanian, who was brought to Lithuania by science and who, during the 7 years spent in Lithuania, speaks Lithuanian perfectly, works at KTU, is studying for a doctorate and communicates boldly and improves her competences and linguistic knowledge.
During the conference, speakers and external experts paid great attention to the sharing of bilingualism results and methods, as well as good practices, in order to help Lithuanian education specialists systematically use the project results, including them in the daily organization of the teaching process, optimizing the dissemination of good practice in the educational process.