Technology class, 6th grade - The Dwelling
Dwelling definition, classification, height of buildings, areas and rooms of a house, steps to build a house
Technology lesson for year 6.
Maximum number of students: 30
Equipment needed: computer and projector.
Activities: Presentation of lesson and discussion of main points with students. As students don’t have access to their digital devices, there is no interactive digital component and the lesson format is classic, “chalk and talk”. The teacher presents various aspects regarding types of homes (individual and collective), renting vs buying, home sizes in different cultures and how big a house should be, rooms and areas in a house.
Results achieved: students share their housing situation, their personal expeerience and their future views on the main topics from the lesson.
Challenges: the English level of some students may hinder their understanding of the lesson. This can be adressed by translating technical terms in the native language. Students with good English will tend to monopolize the discussion. The teacher can name students and encourage them to voice their opinion on the topic at hand.
Points of strength: Teaching in an international languace helps both the teacher and the students improve their knowledge of that particular language. It provides a change in the usual teaching habits for that discipline, which makes both the teacher and the students more focused and requires a degree of multitasking, which in term helps fix the knowledge in a new way. Sometimes the topic at hand is more accesible in English, because that is the main language at the forefront of that particular domain and the student or the teacher is exposed to that knowledge through English.
Areas of improvement: Students need to be encouraged to practice their English. Students with less mastery of English can feel they are left out or can have trouble following the lesson. The teacher should strive to engage with the whole class, let the students express themselves even if they make mistakes. It can go as far away as allowing students to share their thoughts in their native language and then translate them in English. It is important to have a casual and open atmosphere during class and bridge the teacher student gap.
Technology lesson for year 6.
Maximum number of students: 30
Equipment needed: computer and projector.
Activities: Presentation of lesson and discussion of main points with students. As students don’t have access to their digital devices, there is no interactive digital component and the lesson format is classic, “chalk and talk”. The teacher presents various aspects regarding types of homes (individual and collective), renting vs buying, home sizes in different cultures and how big a house should be, rooms and areas in a house.
Results achieved: students share their housing situation, their personal expeerience and their future views on the main topics from the lesson.
Challenges: the English level of some students may hinder their understanding of the lesson. This can be adressed by translating technical terms in the native language. Students with good English will tend to monopolize the discussion. The teacher can name students and encourage them to voice their opinion on the topic at hand.
Points of strength: Teaching in an international languace helps both the teacher and the students improve their knowledge of that particular language. It provides a change in the usual teaching habits for that discipline, which makes both the teacher and the students more focused and requires a degree of multitasking, which in term helps fix the knowledge in a new way. Sometimes the topic at hand is more accesible in English, because that is the main language at the forefront of that particular domain and the student or the teacher is exposed to that knowledge through English.
Areas of improvement: Students need to be encouraged to practice their English. Students with less mastery of English can feel they are left out or can have trouble following the lesson. The teacher should strive to engage with the whole class, let the students express themselves even if they make mistakes. It can go as far away as allowing students to share their thoughts in their native language and then translate them in English. It is important to have a casual and open atmosphere during class and bridge the teacher student gap.