This project (2020-1-ES01-KA201-081917) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Case studies

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Our Beaches, Our Birds


Duration and participants:

3 sessions, 25 students


- Brainstorming about animal life in our area, mainly about autochthonous species like the kentish plover, who is an endangered bird.

- Debate about how littering, pollution and climate change affect birds and oceanic life in our area.

- Workshop on the beach, where they could see and learn about the kentish plover, with Ecologistas en Acción.

- Rubbish gathering on the beach.

- Field notebook.

- Presenting our conclusions about the topic to a local association in order to create a Field notebook.

Results achieved:

The main achievement that can be mentioned about this project is the fact that students became conscious of the consequences that our actions have for animals in particular and for the environment in general, specially after they saw the big amount of rubbish that they had collected in a short time and just in a small part of the beach. So, they discussed and learnt about how to preserve the environment. Apart from that, they also learnt about local bird species, their characteristics, their life customs, and so on.

Other aspects to consider:

We all considered that this such an essential topic nowadays, that this project led us to promote other projects related to this topic, and even to ask for Erasmus grant to work on environmental issues with students.